Monday, January 30, 2012

Don't sit now

Most days I devise a grandiose plan for what I will accomplish after the kids go to bed. Unfortunately for most days, there also comes a time in the evening when I know I'm going to be completely unproductive. It's happening right now. I sat down. With perpetual sleep deprivation, that is always a bad idea. It also adds to my insecurities, because I am convinced that every other Mom in America has boundless energy. (Fuck you, Kelly Ripa.) So I also won't be able to relax or fall asleep at a reasonable hour. Awesome.


Yay! Hoarders is on...feeling better about the dried ketchup dishes that are taunting me from the kitchen.


  1. Hoarders always makes me feel better about myself. Also, a good trick is to set lower goals for yourself. Like get dressed today. Take kids to school. High expectations are a sure fire way to a shame spiral.


  2. Noods-

    I agree with Dum Dum on every level. Hoarders is good for a messy house and Intervention is good if you've been cocktailing too much. Don't forget the ambien! We will be in Vegas soon, and we can all snuggle into one bed with a few bottles of wine and watch hoarders / intervention marathons.


  3. Why do we even bother getting two beds?

  4. Dunno. Sometimes the Lil Rascals bed can be useful, just for the sleeping bit. Please remember undies and Jammie's this time Dum.

  5. Only someone who didn't have to sleep in it would say that.
