Saturday, April 28, 2012

Need my fixin' of Amy Dixon

This morning, I woke up,  put on a t shirt and cargo pants and hit the dog park.  My T-shirt was a HIT!

On my recent trip to Denver, my sister Mollie introduced me to an amazing woman and artist called Amy Dixon. In addition to being uber talented, she was magical, fun, vibrant and electric.  I have woman love for her.  She had amazing art everywhere (obviously) but on my way out, she handed me these two t-shirts.

Wearable art! I also love that they are signed.
When I wear them, I think some of her fabulous-ness pours out of me.

Thank you Amy.  Thank you Mollie.


p.s. did I mention she can cook?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Nonie Darwish

When my husband started calling me Nonie Darwish during our Naples vacation/family reunion I just shrugged my shoulders and lifted my eyeballs to the sky.  Nicknames are not new in this family.  Okay, I'm Nonie Darwish.  Enjoy that.  But then I saw this pic of me in his grandmothers costume glasses and I realized that this time the nickname suits.  I'm okay with it.  I don't know if this post is about husbands that give you nicknames or older ladies who wear large specs.  Or cute dresses, wedges and a clutch.


Ask superdum: couples therapy

Dear Superdum,

What are your thoughts on couples therapy?


Dear S,

There is therapy and then there is couples therapy.  I did couples once with an old boyfriend and we just ended up arguing about who the therapist liked more (me).  It ended badly.  Now, I have a lot of friends who see therapists and they are all proponents.  But I think when you bring in a couple dynamic things can just get worse.  You are weekly talking about everything you hate about the other person and maybe if you didn't go you might forget and all of a sudden you like them again.  So, I'm now thinking wait it out in regards to couples therapy.  Things can turn around when you're not looking but you have to be not looking.  That said, I would love to hear a couples therapy success story.  Anyone? (crickets)



Dear S,

I'm with Dummy on this one.  Look the other way, or jump ship.  Spending your remaining time together moaning to some smug ass stranger about your woes sounds terrible.  Less talking, more shagging...that always solves everything.


Dear S,

Forgo the couples therapy!  It is a bit of an oxymoron... only couples who are happy really benefit from this nonsense, and if you're happy why bother?  I say talk to your besties!  They provide unlimited support, don't require an appointment, offer sound advice, never judge and listen for free (yes, I'm talking to you Dums).


Eff Your Friends Friday

My lady crushes run deep for these two outstanding women:

Molly McNearney

Emily Blunt

So it is mortifying to discover that a) they think my name is as absurd as I do and b) I ruined their Hawaii vacation.   (just watch the first 90 seconds)

Super Friend (aka Tiffany)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

There is a God

His name is Dr. Jason Burke.   He is seriously a genius.  How has this not happened before? And when are we getting one in Los Angeles?

Never again do I have to feel like this:

Rest assured, when the Dummies are once again in Vegas, Hangover Heaven will be visiting our room.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"Wild in the Streets" ....indeed

Last night, I went to the screening of a film. (Wild in the Streets) I had no idea what to expect.... and found myself laughing, crying and cheering.

It is so nice to be swept up into something and to be surprised.
This small Indie project is spreading by word of mouth.  If you can get to Newport or Maryland to see it in a festival...DO!  They are also likable on facebook.


WTF Wednesdays: Dummy, I love your butt

What did I say about your butt to warrant this?


Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Missing: Noodle
Last heard from:3/30/2012

If you have any information, please contact Superdum at

The Return of Mr. Ed

The latest season of Mad Men has been delightful to date except for one thing: Don's new wife.

I couldn't put my finger on why she made me gag...then it hit me.  It's her MOUTH.  Half the time when she smiles, her lips sneer back to only reveal her upper gums.  No teeth, like a geriatric.  When she does reveal her teeth, this is what I see:

Lady, it's called Invisalign, look into it.


Time to Tuesday

We got back from a mini vacay/family reunion on Sunday which always leaves heaps of chores for Monday, which I have put off until today, natch, which I have combined with other undone things to stress myself out even more.  So without further ado.  Do you think it's time to:

Go through this:

Unpack this:

Dust these off:

Replace this:

Swing this:

Take this upstairs:

Fix this:

You can see that I will be super busy.  Not sure if the kids will eat tonight.  But, you have my word they will eat tomorrow.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

You got a purdy mouth

My friends Jay and Taryn are taking me to a pig roast.  I love pork, I love bacon, I love ham...but look at that sweet little Babe with his little hooves are curled up.  Will I be able to handle it?

Me thinks probably.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Ted Says....

"My cleaning lady came on Wednesday and I've been drunk since."

Location: Santa Monica
Date: Friday, 4-20-2012
Time: Mid-day

 Thank God for Ted.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Bruise that keeps on giving

This was last night in Vegas...what is the ONE thing you still see?

What the hell?


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

WTF Wednesdays: Co-feeding

In case you missed it, here is Alicia Silverstone pre-eating (full shiver) her kids food for him.  What??  Who started this?*  He is going to be so pissed at her when he gets older.


*This picture was taken a few years ago so maybe I started it?  If I did I apologize.  It was a joke, Alicia. I'll stop fake co-feeding if you stop real co-feeding.

Travel Tuesdays

Am I Vegas enough?


Monday, April 16, 2012

Not So Sexy Saturday

This is an excellent example of a bruise ruining a perfectly amazing dress.  This isn't just any bruise, it's what my twin nieces call a "drunk bump".

While visiting my sister in Denver, a few cocktails were consumed and that sweet little shiner revealed itself on a Sunday.  By Monday it had taken on a bluish hue, and by the time we got to Wednesday, it was full on black.  It doesn't matter how much effort you put into your look, the only thing you see is that bruise.  It's been a week and it 's STILL there.  I just got a spray tan thinking it would camouflage it, no luck.

Any ideas?


The close but gross

That is the name my friend's mom gave to our local grocery store. It is the only game in town so a lot of people run to it out of convenience (me included) but it is super filthy. Do you have one of those? The thing about this store though is the people you meet in the aisles and the conversations that happen.  There is always the random stranger that will look you in the eyes and say, "I can't believe I'm in this store. Do you have any idea where the soup is?"  No, I don't.  Yes, it's over there.  But you also run into people you know and if you fail at avoiding eye contact a lot of crazy shit is spoken in these aisles.  Examples:  I think I have a yeast infection.  My ten year old peed his bed.  My dad just died (me).  I will text you when we have taken care of the lice situation.  We are selling our house.  We are probably getting a divorce.  I might be pregnant.  I just can't take it anymore (me).  Just kidding about the last one.  I can totally take it.  Anyway, I always come away feeling a little closer to my neighbors.  And needing Purell.  And having to boil my produce.

Forget pickup and drop off.  If you want to get to the nitty gritty of your town just pop into your local market.  Something about grabbing a big pack of toilet paper and some apple juice just makes people talk.  My dirty little store puts the close in gross.


Saturday, April 14, 2012

My new favorite room

A screened in porch might be my favorite idea my husband had regarding our addition. I don't know why I resisted. I live on it and now that this little beauty of a picnic table and benches arrived I think my kids will live out there too. Wait what have I done?


Friday, April 13, 2012

Too Close for Comfort

Today I visited the MOMA to see the Cindy Sherman exhibit..  It was truly amazing.  The whole 6th floor tour I was completely captivated.  She has some seriously fucked up things going on in her brain, and I like it.  Case in point:

Now that I am done with my shout out, let me get to my bitching point:  

I have a serious problem with crowds.  I don't like people brushing against me or bumping me. I like to be able to see at least four feet in front of me and have a margin of space behind me at all times. (So, why do I love New York? I don't know.)  When you go to the MOMA, you have to start at the top and work your way down. Well, when I got to about floor #4, I started sweating.  By floor #3, I couldn't swallow, my fingers were tingling and I was having a full blown panic attack.  By floor #2, I was just bouncing around room to room urgently asking every security guard, "HOW DO I EXIT????!!!"  By the time I found my way out I had sweat through my shirt and had to get outside and just stand there in the cold until I literally chilled out.

To deal with my PTSD, I went shopping for cosmetics. What do you think I found at Bergdorf's? MORE CROWDS.  Finally, I put up the white flag, hailed a cab and am safe.  Screw you everyone in NYC...go home so I can enjoy the city.   I am now having a vodka soda and a Xanax.

Thank you Belvedere.


It's a beauty smackdown!

Vicki has been featured here before for her style and eye for fashion.  When I was thinking about a beauty post I texted her and she got back to me with a list that is so different from Britt's I had to do them back ta back.  Vicki is also v. early forties and has gorgeous skin so...let's see what she's packing.

Aveeno Positively Radiant Skin Brightening Scrub as a cleanser
Keihl's ACAI Toning Mist after cleansing and before moisturizer
JASON Natural and Organic Creme for night moisturizer
Trish McEvoy Beauty Booster Eye Serum (brightens circles, reduces puffiness)

And a few hair product nuggets*...

Loreal EverSleek or EverPure shampoo and conditioner
John Frida Clear Shine Luminous Glaze once a week for shine
Couture Colour Pequi Oil treatment from HSN (not greasy just super soft)
John Frida go Blonde lightening spray on roots between highlights
Olive oil (old country tip, especially great in summer)

Okay, I got them to spill all of their secrets for looking so young and fresh!


* Her hair looks like this all the time.  Ridiculous.  I will be looking into these fo sho.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Britt's picks

My friend Britt has gorgeous skin.  She's my age so I can't even say it's because she is young and oh, just wait until she hits forty.  Probably genetics have something to do with it - her face has never even seen a needle!  And, aside from that she is a bonafide skin product expert.  As a cosmetics buyer for Harrod's and then Harvey Nichols in London for years she has likely tried every single product on the market.  And here are her faves!

Clarins Beauty Flash Balm*
Cle de Peau 3 Step Intensive Treatment Face Mask
Fresh Soy Face Exfoliant*
Decleor Rose d'Orient Serum
Decleor Harmonie face cream
Creme de la Mer eye cream
Aquaphor on anything dry*

I didn't include her make-up choices because I'm saving them for a "Miracle Make-up Monday" post.  You feeling that?


*Use this already and LOVE!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Red Flag? Nahhhhh

My love interest is gorgeous.  He has been married, has a couple of kids and he rocks.  That said, there are a couple of things that have given me pause:

1. He watches Glee
2. He watches American Idol
3. He watches Smash
4. He will not let me clip his nails/demands they be professionally manicured
5. He is a whiz with design and can trick a room out faster than I can make a decision.
6. He enjoys the theater and is a foodie.

If someone told me these things about their man, I would without hesitation say, "um, he's gay (or British)."

It's all very Hugh Jackman.  Aside from when he is playing Wolverine....clearly gay, and yet he is married with 5 kids and seems to have that straight side.

Am I just dating a Metro? Or do I need to acknowledge the flags?


Monday, April 9, 2012

I think we should get a dog

When I said this to my husband the other night he was stunned.  I have always said we will get one when our oldest is ten years old (two years from now).  But then I was thinking/saying...

"Why ten?  Ten is not going to take care of it.  I am going to take care of it.  And I have some time on my hands right now.  Who knows in two years?  I might be really busy with my art."  When I said that his eyes got really big and then he put his head down.

I'm thinking small starter dog because my four year old is afraid of all creatures (pigeons terrorize him).   And, I've always had outdoor dogs (California style) so we might all need a transition period before the big dog days.  Suggestions?


I am crying in the pic because all of our dog's puppies were jumping on Rick and none were jumping on me.  Maybe I'm not ready?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Larry's birthday

Today is my dad's birthday so I'm going to take a moment, get off the couch, blow my nose and post a pic. Making my dad laugh was the best thing ever and he thought I was really good at it.


Thursday, April 5, 2012


I was just getting the little maniacs to bed after their debut in Philly when my husband arrived home.  You know all I wanted to do was vent but he cleverly blindsided me with an app that I could not resist.  At least not in my state (comatose).  So our discussion of what is due me for the previous 32 hours (thinking spa day) is going to have to wait as we drew our night away!  Watch out if you want to get in a game with me because he said I was "drawsome!" and I kind of believe him.

aka "superdum" on drawsomething

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring break!

Yesterday I did something I've never done before.  I took a road trip with my friend and our collective six kids.  We went to Philly for a night at a hotel and a day at the zoo.  It was a bold move.  We knew what we were getting into.  But still.  Here are the stats of some of the things that could and did go awry.

Illegal jumps on the beds - 90
Times hotel room lights were turned on and off - 66
Three year old escape attempts - 5 (successful - 2)
Close calls with fire alarms - 4
Hotel doors slammed - 25
Average hours of sleep, children - 8
Average hours of sleep, adults - 4.5
Minutes of being on the other side of a three and four year old self locked in a hotel room - 8
Toilets clogged - 1
Sinks overflowed - 1
Carb centric meals (Philly pretzels) - all
Times I screamed "Stop running ahead!  I will never find you!" - 200
"Are you kidding me?" stares between me and my friend - lost count
Latent cases of diarrhea from gulping hotel pool water - 1 and counting

All in all I say success!


Monday, April 2, 2012

Turn that frown upside down

The most boring yet common complaint about Los Angeles, is the traffic.  While going to see the love interest, there was an unbearable back-up coming out of my neighborhood.  I was getting uber-cranky and had come to a big intersection.  As I looked at the two men about to cross, I thought to myself, "I need to be happy and grateful, at least I'm not 'touched' or limping".  This one tiny little guy had a funky little haircut, a limp and was about as big as my pinkie. We made eye contact and he smiled, I smiled crankiness was lifting.  Then suddenly a familiarity washed over me.  That is no Tiny Tim, that is ANTHONY KIEDIS!  Immediately I brought my hands up to make a heart over my chest to him.  He paused looked right into the windshield and did it back.

Tiny Tony, I love you.  I hope your foot feels better. Thank you for turning my frown upside down.


Emojis: Part Deux

As the Dums learn how to navigate their way around the Emoji screens, we've tried to find Emojis that represent each of us.  Although we didn't succeed in icons for ourselves, we did discover some celebrity Emojis:

Is it too soon?
