Friday, April 16, 2021

Fingers crossed

this is the bridge i just sold them

Considering the propaganda they are exposed to on social media, it is especially alarming how gullible my kids are.  And seeing that they are all teens now and will be going into the world soon I've been testing them to see what ridiculousness they will actually believe.  I'm not encouraged...

Me:  I ate all of the cupcakes.

Them:  You don't even like cupcakes!

Me: My Tiktok got a thousand likes.

Them: When did you get Tiktok?

Me: I made plans for us to go duck hunting on Saturday.

Them: Who else is going?

Me: I got a cat in the Acme parking lot.

Them: We are all allergic!

I string them along for a few but then I just say "I'm kidding" and they look at me annoyed and say "That's stupid."  Really?  That's stupid?
