Friday, April 13, 2012

Too Close for Comfort

Today I visited the MOMA to see the Cindy Sherman exhibit..  It was truly amazing.  The whole 6th floor tour I was completely captivated.  She has some seriously fucked up things going on in her brain, and I like it.  Case in point:

Now that I am done with my shout out, let me get to my bitching point:  

I have a serious problem with crowds.  I don't like people brushing against me or bumping me. I like to be able to see at least four feet in front of me and have a margin of space behind me at all times. (So, why do I love New York? I don't know.)  When you go to the MOMA, you have to start at the top and work your way down. Well, when I got to about floor #4, I started sweating.  By floor #3, I couldn't swallow, my fingers were tingling and I was having a full blown panic attack.  By floor #2, I was just bouncing around room to room urgently asking every security guard, "HOW DO I EXIT????!!!"  By the time I found my way out I had sweat through my shirt and had to get outside and just stand there in the cold until I literally chilled out.

To deal with my PTSD, I went shopping for cosmetics. What do you think I found at Bergdorf's? MORE CROWDS.  Finally, I put up the white flag, hailed a cab and am safe.  Screw you everyone in NYC...go home so I can enjoy the city.   I am now having a vodka soda and a Xanax.

Thank you Belvedere.



  1. Let's get to the point, which you have basically answered rhetorically already; you weren't having a panic attack, you were simply parched & needed a drink.

    There you have it, now enjoy.

    eL T

    1. eL T-

      Clearly, you know me better than I know myself.


  2. Sometimes, when I get panicky, I really like to get outside and just run like the wind. Just kidding! I always go to the bottle.


    1. Dum,

      Last time we were at the Trump bar and I had a panic attack WITH a martini in front of me that is exactly what I did...remember? I went outside to breathe, then came in and chugged the martini. Lil of both.

