Thursday, March 14, 2013

It's Called Inspiration

Victor Clore of the Oklahoma Defenders

After a recent accidental viewing of my backside while trying on a pair of pants, I vowed to get back in shape.  This started with me buying and preparing fresh food, and eventually going back to the gym.

I used to love going to the gym.  In a sense, it was an addiction.  Then something happened....I got happy.  I count on being generally discontent and constantly looking for a better life to keep me thin and motivated.  The second I get cozy I become like a creepy disgusting cat....or Dolly.  I just eat tons of food, sleep better and longer and just hang out. (I know that sounds like depression, but it's actually the opposite for me)

ANYWAY, I finally signed up for my "one on one" training session at Lifetime, and I was assigned Victor.  Um, seriously?  My heart rate was at least a zone 1 (145) just standing next to him.  He is a friggin' God.  In my pathetic effort to not seem totally atrophied and cellulite riddled, I pushed as hard as I could.  He was not impressed and when I got home, I literally hit my knees at the porcelain alter.

I'm hellbent on redeeming myself.

Watch out Victor, I'll be back for another session after I regain some muscle in my sad sticks.

You'll be sorry.  Or wait, I will.


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