Movie: The Paperboy
*Nicole "I totally want this hairdo" Kidman (p.s this is the best she's ever looked to me)
*Matthew "I keep getting grosser and grosser with age" McConaughey
*Zac "I'll never be sexy or manly" Ephron (he makes me fall asleep whenever he comes onscreen)
*David "Sexual Chocolate" Oyslowo
but most importantly:
*John "I have loved you my whole life...what the fuck have you done" Cusack
*Macy "you are so cool but not the best actress" Gray
It was a mash up of Precious, Boogie Nights, High School Musical and a dash of demented Say Anything.
What happened Lee Daniels? I applaud you for putting cool musicians that you don't expect to be in a film in your films....but that doesn't carry it.
For real, I have absolutely no idea what this film was about, but I'm certain is was about 1 hour and 47 minutes too long.
Your welcome,