After coming home from another fun but rather long journey I picked up my sweet and fat dog Dolly. She was acting crazy like a nutter butter. Chewing herself, running around, hot spots everywhere. 36 hours and a sleepless night later, I took her to the vet only to find out she had a major flea infestation.
This is where I find people interesting.
My dog has fleas, so people want to blame someone, anyone. Here were some of the explanations I heard: "Oh it must be the kennel's fault", " It's those bad, un-fixed dogs she runs with at the dog park", "Global warming has made flea season bad".
The only person responsible for my dog having a flea infestation is ME! I've been running around, too busy to remember to mind my sweet bitch and her well being. I had lapsed in her frontline treatments. That simple.
If you don't mind your dog, she'll get fleas.
Why do we blame other people / make other people suffer for things that have nothing to do with a situation?
End the blame game. Whenever you point a finger, there are three more pointing back at you.
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