Thursday, March 17, 2016


I was never a Jonas Brothers fan but I LOVE DNCE.  I heard this live on Z100 one morning a few months ago and have been meaning to post it.

The drummer on a turned over trash can?  Only one stick?  That badass guy with three fingers on a children's keyboard?  Everything that gorgeous girl does with a guitar?  KAZOO???  Stop it.


Conversations in Crazytown

The kids have been doing chores that rotate weekly as one of my New Years resolutions.  For them.  This week Jack has empty the dishwasher and put away the groceries, among others.

Jack:  I feel like what it's like to be a mom.

Me:  Not as easy as it looks, right?

Jack:  I thought it was just watching mystery shows and folding laundry.

Me:  I love you Jack.

Jack:  I hear that a lot.
