In my quest to become less sarcastic and more earnest like my friend Wendy who's humor and straightforwardness I admire greatly, I did not call this post "Wow how did you fit all of those dishes in there? #superefficient #skills"
I am obsessed with organization and efficiency. I want to know the best place to put the wooden spoon or the cheese grater or the guest bedding. I want to know how to store my Halloween decorations so I can find them next year. Or where to put my marriage license. I think about this stuff all. The. Time. And the sad bit is that I am HORRIBLE at it. I will order twelve different sized storage bins and then get paralyzed by my options and end up putting everything in Hefty bags. When I got my P-Touch (the universal symbol for anal retentive) I thought it made sense to put it in my china cabinet (?) and then couldn't find it for six months. I will look for a copy of my living will and instead find every utility bill from 2003. And so on.
I just have backwards-itis when it comes to organization and it kills me. But even I know that this is the worst possible way you could load that dishwasher.
PS. I took them all out and reloaded approx thirty more dirty things.
That is the oldest trick in the book. The old " i don't do it as good, so you should just do it". Don't be fooled! Ron always does this with reservations, finding cool new bars, keeping the hotel bathroom tidy, squeezing the toothpaste from the bottom. Try a revolt and see if someone else will nut up!