The Love Interest and I went to Peppone's in Brentwood last night. (Love that place). We generally sit up at the bar, watch football, drink martinis and have delicious food. Sitting at the bar is fun as you never know who you might meet.

This darling man plopped down but then committed the ultimate bar eating sin: Got on the cell phone.
I then listened to him speak to the other party calling him "Brother", "Buddy", etc...and "NO I'm NOT AT PEPPERDINE! I'm HERE! " That made me giggle, so I spoke to him. Not realizing it was McG. Then his dinner date came in:
I said, "hi" and McG commented on how we were having a giggle about the Pepperdine comment. He then asked Ray if he wanted to have a drink at the bar first....he got a load of my healing eyes and said, "not if they are going to eavesdrop". HA. I'm fairly certain that he was just pissed that my work looked better than his. That or he is not counter material. I may have to do a separate blog regarding that.
P.S. The Master of Counter Intelligence is Paul:
Is it eavesdropping if someone next to you shouts and you hear it?
My thoughts exactly. There was no way NOT to hear every word. Just get off your booty and step away if you need to talk on the phone. Or get with 2012 and text.
Eavesdropping is an underrated pastime.
This might be the most clever post title ever.